1) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 26cm2 b) 52cm2 c) 24cm2 d) 48cm2 2) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 42cm2 b) 18cm2 c) 36cm2 d) 21cm2 3) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 48cm2 b) 40cm2 c) 80cm2 d) 24cm2 4) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 200cm2 b) 100cm2 c) 56cm2 d) 112cm2 5) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 94cm2 b) 47cm2 c) 60cm2 d) 120cm2 6) Find the surface area of this cuboid. a) 60.5cm2 b) 121cm2 c) 90cm2 d) 180cm2


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